Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Life has a way of twisting and turning. Christie and I have both been busy, but not on projects together. She has been working at the school and continues to teach music classes. I have since started teaching art lessons and bee doing a lot of painting for myself. The summer is here and almost gone.

My Husband sent me to Venice in June 2011 to inspire me to paint for myself. I have always wanted to create and have a show. However, financially, it was more beneficial to paint and create for others. Teaching the classes gives me the time and opportunity to, finally, do it. Since my trip I have been busy working toward my goal. Of course, I have taken time to create a few additional pieces, as well! LOL!!!

I worked on 3 shows creating scenery, costuming and puppetry. The first show was Hairspray at the Community College. Originally, I was contracted to co-design the show, but the other designer went AWOL on me and the TD. In the meantime, I was working on the Beauty and the Beast at the Elementary School and Seussical at the High School. Here are some shots:

The Tree I made and dressed with the Baby Flying Elephant.
The Baby Flying Elephant puppet in it's egg.

Close-up of the puppet's face.

Side View

Original drawing from Dr. Seuss of the Baby Flying elephant.

Here are some photos from Beauty and the Beast:
The pieces being built


Mrs. Potts
The Armiore's Chest

The cast with coggsworth to the left

Coggsworth's Clock almost done

Lumiere's Hat and Arm pieces

The Beast's Head dress to make him a foot taller

The Beast in costume.
I forgot to take final shots of Hairspray due to running around too fast and furious during those weeks. Not only was I doing the shows but I illustrated a children's book during that time. Yes, I had lost my mind, at that point, and a lot of sleep... ARGH!!!

Here is the book and the picture of the prototype I made for the book:

The Book "Bully Monster"

Here is the stuffed animal prototype I made based on the book.
I have stopped teaching for the summer and have had a little time here and there with my kids, family and friends. It is a CRAZY summer, indeed!

At present, I am working on a project in Ocean City, NJ. I am doing seven spaces. Some of it is fixing small issues, painting switch plates and plug covers to match wallpaper of old finishes fro 20 years ago. I am painting a floor and stairs in the house and the kitchen cabinets.It is a tedious project because there is a lot of prep work needed. However, I am excited for the outcome!

More updates to come...