Thursday, January 28, 2010

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.   ~Goethe

We've begun!
So to begin, Michele and I needed a name.  Something new. Different. Unusual,but not too unusual. Interesting but not too strange.  And not too hard to say, and not too easy to forget.  And it has to not sounds like something contagious, itchy or otherwise medical condition-y.  And it has to not rhyme with anything that meets those conditions either.  And it has to not bring to mind anything untoward, obnoxious, or anatomical.  Or rhyme with anything that meets those conditions.  And finally, it has to not be already taken. 
These terms are much harder to meet than we expected.  Though we did get plenty of laughs and find some interesting websites during our search for a name.  We found "The Succulent Wife"  (The word succulent is way to easy to steer down the WRONG path, think Succubus, or just "this sucks!")  We learned that Nokomis is  a French pharmaceutical company, a learning center for women and girls in Michigan, a summer camp and a discontinued perfume described as redolent.  I learned that redolent means odiferous.  It makes me think about garlic and really strong cooking smells, like in Indian food.  Which is all well and good in the kitchen, but i don't think I'd like to be described as redolent.  We learned that Nicola Tesla had three sisters, Milka, Angelina and Marica.  We learned that the word fugue does not bring pleasant images to mind, sounds a bit too much like plague.  We agree that plague is unpleasant. 
So here we are with Nokomis Nouveau.  Nokomis is the daughter of the moon, the grandmother of Hiawatha from the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem, and Hiawathat's mother?  Nokomis' daughter.... well I'll let you make that connection if you haven't already.  And Nouveau is a French word, but Michele and I from our first conversation found that we were drawn to the same styles and artists, particularly the Art Nouveau styles... among so many other common ties we discovered upon our first meeting.  So here we are, with a new name, and new decade, a new adventure, a new dream.  We begin!

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