Thursday, March 25, 2010

Artists and the nasty "V" word...

Yesterday, Christie and I had a conversation about how after the Book Fair she would be done with her last "volunteer" project. Oddly enough, I felt the same way last Tuesday after finishing up the last touch-up of the scenery I had worked on for the past couple months, off and on.

I designed, built part of, sculpted and painted the set for Gateway Regional High School's production of "Camelot". I was truly happy with the results of my labor! I enjoyed having the kids help, even if they felt it was in a small way, because I know they learned something from the experience and I truly appreciated it. I love working with the staff and crew, always and forever! Theater ROCKS!!! However, truth be known, it was more like a "volunteer" job! I think I got paid $1 an hour! LOL!!! I dragged my family through the whole process with my blinders on attitude, again... and the many nights of 3-4 hours sleep for days on end, which can make a girl "very" cranky!!! Hyper-focus is an art form for me! *smiley face* I must love what I am doing... I learned a lot about myself as an artist and a person through out the process. I'll keep the lessons learned for future reference, whether they be creative or spiritual...

I spent Sunday through part of Wednesday paying for what I did to my body, just because I relaxed a little! I "healing" time was used for designing the  two sets for Learning Stage's Summer Theater production of "Willy Wonka" which will partly be changed to "Songs of a New World". I, also, put together two purses for Nokomis Nouveau and finished all the prep work for them! Yesterday, feeling refreshed, I went back to the High School to paint the stage floor black with the help of one of the students. I'm sure of what's left of the maintenance staff, due to NJ's Budget Cuts, is glad they have this crazy volunteer artist chick to do their job! *part of me is laughing*

Here is where I insert the photos for your Ooos and Ahhhhs!

The kids were so amazing! The director made every moment in their staging look like it was ART! The Lighting Designer made the scenery glow, especially since I designed it with him in mind! There wasn't one person who walked out after the show that didn't feel like they had gone to see a professional show, especially Saturday night!!! Sorry, I had to gush!

Anyhow, going back to the conversation...

 Christie and I will resume our business, Nokomis Nouveau, after she gets back from her family vacation during Spring Break at the Grand Canyon! We have lots to do and are excited to have a break before Summer hits and our kiddies and other responsibilities smack us in the face! LOL!!!

Now off to the gym to run 5 miles, get a shower, carve a couple of the stamps I drew up for Nokomis Nouveau, and head to the Babes Burning Rubber planning committee meeting... did I say "volunteer"?

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