Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The dog ate my homework...

I am sorry Father for I have sinned and it's been almost 5 months since my last blog.

After a summer of craziness, which I adored despite all of the road blocks, I am back. During my stint designing the sets for Learning Stages, an Educational Summer Theater Program, I played with wood, foam, plastics and so many other items. I am always trying to find ways to recycle. The two shows and program happened in a 5 week program. That's a tight schedule. In the meantime, Christie and I are riding the MS 150 Bike Ride together. Due to the tight schedule I was keeping, I did not ride my bike the whole time. The MS 150 is a 150 mile bike ride in two days and three weeks from now. It's not a suggested to ignore training... Oye!

Any how, the production of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate factory gave me an opportunity to use recycled products along with new items. We made lollipops with recycled plastic from water and soda bottles, along with fizzy lifting drink bubbles. All of the kids in the show made their own sun catcher that was used for the Lick-able wallpaper. The lollipops were made with badminton rackets cut down with floral wire to attach them. There were Edible and Drinkable Flower Candies that used the shuttlecock from the rackets and flower plates and the flowers cut out from the melted down plastic. I am big on the environment, but sometimes the art over rules my need to save the ozone. When I am designing, I think of many aspects... how much time, what's my budget, and what I may have to do to my body to create what's in my mind based on the before mentioned issues! LOL!!! Let's just say the last three weeks I clocked 225 (maybe more) of hours.

Here is what they looked like after putting them together.

Here are some of the larger props for the show...

Here is what the set looked like.

The second show was Songs for a New World. The entire show was designed around the theme of time. I have a great love of the older Indiana Jones flicks and The Adventures of the Young Indians Jones (a 90's thing). I gave it a look that is presently called Steam Punk. I had the help of many people, the students (Casie, Haley and yes even Thomas LOL!!!), the Shining Stars teacher (Lauren) along with interns and stage managers (Stacie and Matt- I love you guys), Tom (TD- carpenter, lights, rigging and sound and GREAT friend! He gave me the rope I needed, although I felt like hanging myself a few times. ;-D) They are the people that kept me sane or a little insane... The cast was astonishing! The director's (Chic) vision was both unexpected and wonderful! The lighting (Harry) was terrific!

The staff of Learning Stages are talented, quirky (myself included), friendly, honorable and as professional as one can be in circumstances sometimes beyond their control. We were moved from Tohill Theater (450 seat theater) to Pfleeger Hall (1000 seat theater) three days before the program started. I had designed the set, built the model (with Stacie), and then painted it 2 weeks prior. Stacie and I were actually laying out the grid for the floor we were going to paint when they gave us the news. I was disappointed because the new stage wouldn't have a visible floor worth painting and changed the complete design. We had the lighting designer from Hell- she was an angry squirrel! In the long run, I was happy with the way it turned out!!!

In between the Theater Program, Christie and I participated in the Babes Burning Rubber Fundraiser at the Thunderbolt Raceway in Milleville, NJ. We had spent a lot of time creating pieces to be prepared. We, also brought our kids, Elise, RJ, Damara, and a friend of Damara's (Jacqueline). They helped us with face painting. Let's just say the day was scorching! (and the people- they did not come) They were at the other track watching Grand Am... We sucked it up and hung in there and made some lemonade out of lemons... I would have love some vodka with it, though! LOL!
This was RJ after his face was painted by one of the girls.
Two days after, my family and I left to the Poconos for some much needed R&R.We had four days together and then two other couples came up with their kids to join us. It was a perfect vacation!We went to Resica Falls and it is one of the prettiest places to visit. I wanted to hitch a tent!

Christie and I have since resumed our efforts. We will keep you posted! We need to take some photos of our latest work.

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

Artists and the nasty "V" word...

Yesterday, Christie and I had a conversation about how after the Book Fair she would be done with her last "volunteer" project. Oddly enough, I felt the same way last Tuesday after finishing up the last touch-up of the scenery I had worked on for the past couple months, off and on.

I designed, built part of, sculpted and painted the set for Gateway Regional High School's production of "Camelot". I was truly happy with the results of my labor! I enjoyed having the kids help, even if they felt it was in a small way, because I know they learned something from the experience and I truly appreciated it. I love working with the staff and crew, always and forever! Theater ROCKS!!! However, truth be known, it was more like a "volunteer" job! I think I got paid $1 an hour! LOL!!! I dragged my family through the whole process with my blinders on attitude, again... and the many nights of 3-4 hours sleep for days on end, which can make a girl "very" cranky!!! Hyper-focus is an art form for me! *smiley face* I must love what I am doing... I learned a lot about myself as an artist and a person through out the process. I'll keep the lessons learned for future reference, whether they be creative or spiritual...

I spent Sunday through part of Wednesday paying for what I did to my body, just because I relaxed a little! I "healing" time was used for designing the  two sets for Learning Stage's Summer Theater production of "Willy Wonka" which will partly be changed to "Songs of a New World". I, also, put together two purses for Nokomis Nouveau and finished all the prep work for them! Yesterday, feeling refreshed, I went back to the High School to paint the stage floor black with the help of one of the students. I'm sure of what's left of the maintenance staff, due to NJ's Budget Cuts, is glad they have this crazy volunteer artist chick to do their job! *part of me is laughing*

Here is where I insert the photos for your Ooos and Ahhhhs!

The kids were so amazing! The director made every moment in their staging look like it was ART! The Lighting Designer made the scenery glow, especially since I designed it with him in mind! There wasn't one person who walked out after the show that didn't feel like they had gone to see a professional show, especially Saturday night!!! Sorry, I had to gush!

Anyhow, going back to the conversation...

 Christie and I will resume our business, Nokomis Nouveau, after she gets back from her family vacation during Spring Break at the Grand Canyon! We have lots to do and are excited to have a break before Summer hits and our kiddies and other responsibilities smack us in the face! LOL!!!

Now off to the gym to run 5 miles, get a shower, carve a couple of the stamps I drew up for Nokomis Nouveau, and head to the Babes Burning Rubber planning committee meeting... did I say "volunteer"?

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dresses, Purses, Vultures and Camelot!

It's been to long since my last Blog...
Christie and I have been busy making products along with creating two dresses for a Valentine's Bash in our town. We both lead busy lives in general and now we've turned up the volume. I am not complaining... I choose this CRAZY LIFE!

First off, I am going to thank my husband and kids for their patience. As usual, everything in the house gets turned on end when I am in a project. I am in many! My middle daughter is in Camelot at her High School. I designed the set for the show. I am building part of the scenery. I am, also, sculpting and painting it. Christie and I have agreed to sell product at the East Coast Vulture Festival. We are busy coming up with products to sell. We will be giving a portion of our receipts towards the festival. Normally, I am up on the stage for this event dressed as a turkey vulture do a dance routine. Yes, I know it sounds a little outlandish and a bit geeky, but I am both of those things.  ;-D We are, also, going be in charge of the face painting for the Vulture Festival. Our daughters and a couple of their friends have volunteered to be trained and help out! We are in the process of finishing up the logo for our company and researching Esty. com and a PayPal account. Starting a business is crazy hectic! LOL!!! We have, also, been up-cycling t-shirts, skirts, dresses, and making purses from scratch. It is very tedious! Luckily, I love patterns and tedium! LOL!!! The following shots are the before shots of the dresses Christie and I up-cycled. 

Notice the neckline and the A-line cut of the dress. Christie changed her neckline and had to adjust the size and I changed the size and form of the dress. We both hand painted them. We, also, painted and beaded two different purses based on the style of our dresses.

Here are photos of the purses I have taken photos of. I will get a shot of Christie's later, hopefully today...

Anyhow, I must be off... I am headed to the gym, then the High School to paint, back home to sculpt and then Belly Dancing tonight! Wahoo!!! As always, more to come... Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 1, 2010

First off... Friday, January 29, 2010

I am posting pictures of the dresses Christie and I made for our two girls for their Snow Ball Dance. As you know from our previous Blog, we took dresses that we purchased from Goodwill for less than $5.99 and re-designed and re-constructed them. The dresses had good bones but needed a little something something...

Christie removed the original straps from the velvet and organza dress and changed them to a organza type ribbon in aubergine (eggplant). She then added the organza ribbon to the Empire waistline. She found a lovely silk flower in the same color and added it to the waste line off to the one side.
Christie then painted an Art Nouveau style treatment on the lower part of the dress under the organza layer. It looked lovely!

As for the dress I re-designed... I first pinned the red ribbon to the black cotton dress, making sure to pin myself a couple of times! LOL!!! After sewing the ribbon on I took apart the inner seems above the Empire waistline so I could remove the 1 1/2" straps. I then pinned and sewed the ribbon straps. I must add, seem ripping is not the fun part of the project but absolutely necessary for a professional product. I, finally, sewed the seems of the dress back to the zipper area. I drew up a design for the stamp pattern based on my knowing my daughter's taste. She loved it! YEAH!!! I then transferred it to the SpeedBall Speedy Stamp material and started carving the designs. The next morning I pinned the additional lace and beading to the dress. After I was finished I brought out the red fabric paint, roller and paint tray and printed the dress. As always with paint, I had to wait for it to dry before printing another section. In between the printing process I did laundry! Ugh! LOL!!!

All of the pin holes...

My daughter came home from school shortly after the dress was finished. After seeing her expression, it was worth the pin holes, the linoleum cutter cuts and technical frustrations! Priceless!!!

Patterns, patterns and patterns... Monday, February 1, 2010

I see new patterns every day in everything. I am so attracted to them that my brain wants to force everything into one. I see patterns in the trees, I see patterns in my dreams, and I see patterns in the every day. I have patterned working out into my life. They say it takes two weeks to embed a pattern into your life. I say it takes more than that, it takes feeling that passion every day... that is much easier to say than do! Being alive in the moment, at every moment, takes a ton of tenacity! 

Dresses, skirts, shawls, purses and such...

Today I am drawing up a different kind of pattern: patterns for sewing. Sewing patterns are an art form in their own way, even if it is a technical necessity. Christie and I will be able to reproduce the objects over and over again, hence the word pattern. We will be creating new ideas and items along with up-cycling older items. It is truly exciting!

Motherhood is a pattern, as well... I need to sew Boy Scout badges on my son's uniform for a field trip his troop today. In the meantime, I've done two loads of laundry, a pattern I'm not as fond of... and now, I am typing this Blog... a new pattern. Later today, I will go to my daughter's High School to look at a couple of pieces that the Tech Ed Dept created from my designs. I will check the stage for the additional pieces of scenery built based on my designs. This year the High School is doing the production of Camelot. It is the third year I have done the scenery and the second year I have designed it, another pattern. I am looking forward to seeing the progress of the build. I hope to be painting Wednesday and Thursday during the school day. After I leave the High School I head to the Elementary School for my son's Parent/Teacher Conference. Life is filled with patterns, whether they are art or life! It's all good!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.   ~Goethe

We've begun!
So to begin, Michele and I needed a name.  Something new. Different. Unusual,but not too unusual. Interesting but not too strange.  And not too hard to say, and not too easy to forget.  And it has to not sounds like something contagious, itchy or otherwise medical condition-y.  And it has to not rhyme with anything that meets those conditions either.  And it has to not bring to mind anything untoward, obnoxious, or anatomical.  Or rhyme with anything that meets those conditions.  And finally, it has to not be already taken. 
These terms are much harder to meet than we expected.  Though we did get plenty of laughs and find some interesting websites during our search for a name.  We found "The Succulent Wife"  (The word succulent is way to easy to steer down the WRONG path, think Succubus, or just "this sucks!")  We learned that Nokomis is  a French pharmaceutical company, a learning center for women and girls in Michigan, a summer camp and a discontinued perfume described as redolent.  I learned that redolent means odiferous.  It makes me think about garlic and really strong cooking smells, like in Indian food.  Which is all well and good in the kitchen, but i don't think I'd like to be described as redolent.  We learned that Nicola Tesla had three sisters, Milka, Angelina and Marica.  We learned that the word fugue does not bring pleasant images to mind, sounds a bit too much like plague.  We agree that plague is unpleasant. 
So here we are with Nokomis Nouveau.  Nokomis is the daughter of the moon, the grandmother of Hiawatha from the Henry Wadsworth Longfellow poem, and Hiawathat's mother?  Nokomis' daughter.... well I'll let you make that connection if you haven't already.  And Nouveau is a French word, but Michele and I from our first conversation found that we were drawn to the same styles and artists, particularly the Art Nouveau styles... among so many other common ties we discovered upon our first meeting.  So here we are, with a new name, and new decade, a new adventure, a new dream.  We begin!
Well here goes...

As they say, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life." It is for us, so to speak, just that! Christie and I, my name is Michele, have started our business together... We are Nokomis Nouveau! I am still having a hard time remembering how to type it out as I say it, it's so new!

We are making objects like purses, clothing, scarves, t-shirts, stationary, and so on. We aren't sure yet how far we want to go down the Rabbit Hole, as of yet! LOL!!! Our combined experience is so broad that the sky is the limit!

I am going to talk about my first day of this process based on my perspective and Christie will based on hers. Let's call today the first day, even though it's really been going on for two weeks or more. First thing I will say: it is 3:38 PM and I have not had a shower! As every day there is always a little crazy needed... we woke up at 8:30 am... My son, Eriq, was already late for school. Chris, my husband, Eriq, and myself rushed down stairs to get things together to ship Eriq off to school. Ironically, I had to make the second pot of coffee this morning... my daughter, Damara, made one earlier and tried to wake me up with a cup at 6:30 AM. I went back to sleep leaving the coffee go cold, this is a travisty in my mind to waste a perfectly good cup of coffee. In our house, we drink robust roasts with cold organic frothed milk with sprinkled cinnamon sugar on top. We gave Eriq a bowl of cereal as he did his homework, which he was supposed to do the night before, and made up his lunch. I jumped on Facebook for a quick check on my peeps, once the necessities were done. My husband walked Eriq to school to sign him in since it was then 9:00 AM. I'm not sure how well that went... hmmm...

I pulled myself away from Facebook's grip at 9:10ish and went up stairs to put on some paint pants, a necessary evil to force me into work mode. I have been re-plastering my old plaster walls for a week for the umpteenth time since we bought the house. I finished in an hour or so, since it's throughout the upstairs hall, down the stairs, through the living room, and the dining room. My walls being a little more plum then yesterday gave me a sense of pleasure! With the new sense of joy and accomplishment on the ongoing travails of home ownership done... I made my way down stairs to the coffee pot! I whirled up another cup and took the dress Christie and I had picked up at Goodwill shopping spree. Goodwill and I have an ongoing history and Love-love relationship!!! Anyhow, I started pinning the red ribbon, I picked up yesterday at JoAnn Fabrics, on the dress. A few of the pins pricked me as I pinned along the edge of the existing Empire waist seam. I realized as I finished up the pinning, I hadn't taken the before picture! Wahh and double dog WAAAAHHHH! So, I took out the pins and went searching for the camera. I found the camera quickly and headed downstairs to the section of the basement that is draped for Ebay sales... I snapped a shot and realized there were no batteries in the gosh darn camera! Wahhh! So I went upstairs to the kitchen to put in the batteries... good thing, because I realized the camera was missing the memory card. The search went on for a half hour before I decided that I would just use my daughter's camera, which was ready to go. I headed down stairs to take the picture. Yeah!

Finally, I was able to resume the reconstruction of the dress. I re-pinned the Empire waste. I pulled out my handy-dandy Brother sewing machine and changed the thread color, only to realize I needed to set up a new bobbin. I looked through my supply boxes and found a new empty bobbin and threaded it. Just before I started sewing the ribbon on I realized I better take out the up side with the seam ripper so the dress wouldn't bind. When de-constructing is involved, a seam ripper is a necessary tool. I pricked my finger a couple of times with it as I am pulling the seams apart to pull out the threads... I am a pin cushion! I then started sewing the ribbon on. That was easy! I then started pulling the seams out for the straps of the dress... this was not easy!!! (more pin cushioning) I reconsidered my original design and made the choice to use the same ribbon with a thinner one for the straps. I cut the to the same length as the original straps and proceeded to pin them. By this time, my daughter came home from school and tried on the dress. She forgot to tell me about a little detail, the original straps were too long. Sooooooo... I took the dress and pulled out some more seams. (more pin cushion) I re-pinned the ribbon straps to their new length and started sewing. Once it was sewn, she tried on the dress. It was perfect! All I can say is, "Thank God!" I took the dress stamp design I drew up and made a template to transfer on the stamp material, which Speed Ball makes! It was 2:30 PM, and I could finally eat lunch! My husband made a new pot of coffee and lunch for the three of us, a turkey, Swiss chard wrap with sauteed garlic! OMG!!! I so love him!

I called Christie and let her know I was on my way to set up the Blog! When I walked in we compared notes and design ideas for the logos. We set up the Blog site after our new email address. I, then, started typing... this is not as frightening as I thought it was going to be, the writing that is! I'm sure I'll get better with time and comfort level!!!

Signing off for now,

Now it's Christie's turn...